
女人 ︱ 表演 ︱ 自戀

兩個星期前收到一個朋友的一封信, 說到她最近作為一個表演者和一個女人所面對的一個信心危機。 她是一個Burlesque和Stand-up Comedy表演者,有一晚在她表演一個一小時長的新作之前的整個下午,打從在家裡做準備開始,到在地鐵車箱裡,到走向劇場的路上,她的手心一直不停的冒著汗,她想:如果我這次失敗了,我不單對不起觀眾和自己,更對不起世界上所有的女性,因為到目前為止Stand-up Comedy的表演者絕大部份都是男性。她在信裡引述了 Germaine Greer 的話, “One of the real problems about women in comedy is narcissism. You’ve got to be prepared to make yourself look ridiculous, and lots of women find that very difficult to do.”

其實我不明白為什麼做Comedy就一定會令人看起來變得荒謬。我想,Comedy應該是事情Tragic到了極點,變得十分Absurd,所以才會令人發笑。其實一個表演者如果是真正明瞭Comedy背後的荒謬,表演的時候只會覺得享受,而不會覺得荒謬。事實上,或許沒有東西比一套好的喜劇更加認真。無論如何,如果Germaine Greer的話是對的,那麼到底女性為什麼比較男性難於讓自己在別人面前變得難看和荒謬呢?那跟女人「愛美」的「天性」和「女人的尊嚴」是否有關?女人如果想得到愛護尊重和找到好的男人做「歸宿」,是不是都得靠一點點的美貌和溫柔?那麼也就是說如果一個女人容許自己失去溫柔撫媚,她就會變成一個令人覺得不吸引的女人?而當一個女表演者站在台上,是不是多多少少都會希望觀眾覺得她吸引?要把自己變得詼諧可笑、滑稽荒謬是不是就成為女表演者的禁忌?我卻認為無論是詼諧可笑滑稽荒謬、優雅高貴溫柔美麗、 還是黑暗神祕殘忍暴力 ,都可能只是一個遊戲,問題是那個女人想如何玩她的這個遊戲。而作為一個女性Stand-up Comedy表演者,如果她很明白自己到底是因為什麼而去做那個表演,表演的內容對她自己的意義有多大,而她自己有否明瞭到底她要表演的內容是因何令人覺得荒謬可笑,那麼我想她應該是不會對不起世界上所有女性的。

自戀(Narcissim)不可能只是女人獨有的特質,女人也不可能比男人更會沉溺在自戀裡,不要忘記其實Narcissus 是一個男人呢,他愛上了自己水裡的倒影,當他靠向水面想要親吻自己的倒影時,便失足掉到水裡溺死了。 其實男人很多時可能比女人更「愛自己」,更關注別人如何看待自己,並以其建立自己的尊嚴和身份。不然《馴悍記》裡的Kate到了最後就不用費那麼多唇舌來教訓那班「不聽話」的妻子,權告她們作為妻子的一定要順從丈夫,不然就會讓丈夫在人前丟臉,最後失去格調的反而是自己。Kate更認為動不動就要跟丈夫過不去的女人是極度頭腦簡單的女人,所以一個聰明而頭腦靈活的女人應該能決定和操控自己以什麼姿態和模樣在人前出現,儘管她的外表言行風度看似千依白順,但實在可能只是跟她那自尊過強的男人玩遊戲。女人只要讓自己的男人在人前好看,自己就也得到面子,更得到寵愛,用溫柔的手段使自己處於一個更有利更高的位置。這場兩性遊戲如過是在人前玩得得心應手的話,可能有時也會很有表演性。所以無論男人女人,可能都一樣「自戀」,問題是各自如何在千變萬化相生相剋的陰陽剛柔裡交手。



introducing MOON Yip - Square in the making 3

photos by woolingling & graphics by fung tze


與Savanna 的傾談











「 我常說我今世應該是要當一個男人的。做男人多好,想要幾個女人就幾個女人。男人很簡單,為了短暫的生理需要和衝動與女人歡好,一下子過後可以什麼也不想不理心裡零負擔,女人可不一樣。 」








「現在是我教爸爸如何做人, 他最疼愛的孩子是最不照顧他的, 他現在才知我的好,也不得不聽我的話。」




















square in the making 2

photos by woolingling / graphics by fung tze

square in the making 1

photo by woolingling / graphics by fung tze















《馴悍記》凱特 最後的一段話

「哎呀!鬆開你那緊蹙的眉頭,收起你那輕蔑的瞥視,傷害你的主人、你的君王、你的支配者:只會令你的美貌變得暗淡失色,就如寒冷的冰霜凍傷著草原,更會毀壞你的名譽,就如旋風摧殘著幼嫩的花蕾;絲毫沒有可取之處,也絕不討好。一個使性子的女人,就像翻騰的污水,混濁不清,令人嘔心,喪失所有美麗,縱使如何口渴喉乾的男人,也不願啜飲一口。 你的丈夫就是你的主人、你的生命、你的看守者、你的頭腦、你至高無上的君王;他照顧著你,為了養活你,他在大海裡陸地上辛苦地工作著,夜里冒著風浪,白天忍受寒冷,你卻暖暖的躺在家裡,又安全又舒適。他希望你雙手奉獻給他的沒有其他,只是你的愛情,你溫柔的容貌,和你真心的服從;你欠他的好處這麼多,他要求你作出的回報卻是那麼微薄!一個女人對待她的丈夫,應當像臣子對待君王一樣;假如她剛愎自用,動不動就發脾氣,陰沈刻薄,不服從丈夫真誠的心意,那麼她豈不是一個大逆不道、忘恩負義的叛徒?當應該跪下求和的時候,卻向丈夫宣戰;當應該盡心竭力服侍、愛護、順從丈夫的時候,卻企圖篡奪統治主權,支配丈夫:這種頭腦簡單的行為,真是女人的恥辱。我們的身體為什麼這樣柔軟無力,吃不了苦,經不起世事的困擾?那不就是因為我們的性情必須和我們的外表相互一致,同樣地溫柔圓滑嗎?來,聽我說,你們這班倔強而無力的可憐蟲!我的心從前也像你們一樣自大高傲,或許我有比你們多一點的理由與丈夫針鋒相對以牙還牙,不甘心底頭認輸;可是現在的我明白我們的長矛只不過是些稻草,我們的力量很軟弱,而我們的軟弱更是無比的,我們看起來相當了不起,但其實是何等渺小。所以你們還是放下你們的慾望,因為它完全沒有益處,然後跪下來伸手向你們的丈夫請求憐愛吧。為了表示我的順從,只要我的丈夫喜歡,我的手就為他準備好,讓他得到安心。



Volumnia of CORIOLANUS

Should we be silent and not speak, our raiment 
And state of bodies would bewray what life 
We have led since thy exile. Think with thyself 
How more unfortunate than all living women 
Are we come hither: since that thy sight, 
which should 
Make our eyes flow with joy, hearts dance 
with comforts, 
Constrains them weep and shake with fear and sorrow; 
Making the mother, wife and child to see 
The son, the husband and the father tearing 
His country's bowels out. And to poor we 
Thine enmity's most capital: thou barr'st us 
Our prayers to the gods, which is a comfort 
That all but we enjoy; for how can we, 
Alas, how can we for our country pray. 
Whereto we are bound, together with thy victory, 
Whereto we are bound? alack, or we must lose 
The country, our dear nurse, or else thy person, 
Our comfort in the country. We must find 
An evident calamity, though we had 
Our wish, which side should win: for either thou 
Must, as a foreign recreant, be led 
With manacles thorough our streets, or else 
triumphantly tread on thy country's ruin, 
And bear the palm for having bravely shed 
Thy wife and children's blood. For myself, son, 
I purpose not to wait on fortune till 
These wars determine: if I cannot persuade thee 
Rather to show a noble grace to both parts 
Than seek the end of one, thou shalt no sooner 
March to assault thy country than to tread— 
Trust to't, thou shalt not—on thy mother's womb, 
That brought thee to this world.

Nay, go not from us thus. 
If it were so that our request did tend 
To save the Romans, thereby to destroy 
The Volsces whom you serve, you might condemn us, 
As poisonous of your honour: no; our suit 
Is that you reconcile them: while the Volsces 
May say 'This mercy we have show'd;' the Romans, 
'This we received;' and each in either side 
Give the all-hail to thee and cry 'Be blest 
For making up this peace!' Thou know'st, great son, 
The end of war's uncertain, but this certain, 
That, if thou conquer Rome, the benefit 
Which thou shalt thereby reap is such a name, 
Whose repetition will be dogg'd with curses; 
Whose chronicle thus writ: 'The man was noble, 
But with his last attempt he wiped it out; 
Destroy'd his country, and his name remains 
To the ensuing age abhorr'd.' Speak to me, son: 
Thou hast affected the fine strains of honour, 
To imitate the graces of the gods; 
To tear with thunder the wide cheeks o' the air, 
And yet to charge thy sulphur with a bolt 
That should but rive an oak. Why dost not speak? 
Think'st thou it honourable for a noble man 
Still to remember wrongs? Daughter, speak you: 
He cares not for your weeping. Speak thou, boy: 
Perhaps thy childishness will move him more 
Than can our reasons. There's no man in the world 
More bound to 's mother; yet here he lets me prate 
Like one i' the stocks. Thou hast never in thy life 
Show'd thy dear mother any courtesy, 
When she, poor hen, fond of no second brood, 
Has cluck'd thee to the wars and safely home, 
Loaden with honour. Say my request's unjust, 
And spurn me back: but if it be not so, 
Thou art not honest; and the gods will plague thee, 
That thou restrain'st from me the duty which 
To a mother's part belongs. He turns away: 
Down, ladies; let us shame him with our knees. 
To his surname Coriolanus 'longs more pride 
Than pity to our prayers. Down: an end; 
This is the last: so we will home to Rome, 
And die among our neighbours. Nay, behold 's: 
This boy, that cannot tell what he would have 
But kneels and holds up bands for fellowship, 
Does reason our petition with more strength 
Than thou hast to deny 't. Come, let us go: 
This fellow had a Volscian to his mother; 
His wife is in Corioli and his child 
Like him by chance. Yet give us our dispatch: 
I am hush'd until our city be a-fire, 
And then I'll speak a little.

Selected from William Shakespeare's CORIOLANUS
Source from http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/


Fie, fie! unknit that threatening unkind brow, 
And dart not scornful glances from those eyes 
To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor. 
It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads, 
Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds, 
And in no sense is meet or amiable. 
A woman mov'd is like a fountain troubled- 
Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty; 
And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty 
Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. 
Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, 
Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee, 
And for thy maintenance commits his body 
To painful labour both by sea and land, 
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold, 
Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe; 
And craves no other tribute at thy hands 
But love, fair looks, and true obedience- 
Too little payment for so great a debt. 
Such duty as the subject owes the prince, 
Even such a woman oweth to her husband; 
And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour, 
And not obedient to his honest will, 
What is she but a foul contending rebel 
And graceless traitor to her loving lord? 
I am asham'd that women are so simple 
To offer war where they should kneel for peace; 
Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, 
When they are bound to serve, love, and obey. 
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth, 
Unapt to toil and trouble in the world, 
But that our soft conditions and our hearts 
Should well agree with our external parts? 
Come, come, you forward and unable worms! 
My mind hath been as big as one of yours, 
My heart as great, my reason haply more, 
To bandy word for word and frown for frown; 
But now I see our lances are but straws, 
Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare, 
That seeming to be most which we indeed least are. 
Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot, 
And place your hands below your husband's foot; 
In token of which duty, if he please, 
My hand is ready, may it do him ease.

Selected from William Shakespeare's THE TAMING OF THE SHREWD
Source from http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/

Lady Macbeth of "MACBETH"

The raven himself is hoarse 
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan 
Under my battlements. Come, you spirits 
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, 
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full 
Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood; 
Stop up the access and passage to remorse, 
That no compunctious visitings of nature 
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between 
The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, 
And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, 
Wherever in your sightless substances 
You wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, 
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, 
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, 
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, 
To cry 'Hold, hold!' 

O, never 
Shall sun that morrow see! 
Your face, my thane, is as a book where men 
May read strange matters. To beguile the time, 
Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, 
Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, 
But be the serpent under't. He that's coming 
Must be provided for: and you shall put 
This night's great business into my dispatch; 
Which shall to all our nights and days to come 
Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.

Was the hope drunk 
Wherein you dress'd yourself? hath it slept since? 
And wakes it now, to look so green and pale 
At what it did so freely? From this time 
Such I account thy love. Art thou afeard 
To be the same in thine own act and valour 
As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that 
Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, 
And live a coward in thine own esteem, 
Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,' 
Like the poor cat i' the adage?

What beast was't, then, 
That made you break this enterprise to me? 
When you durst do it, then you were a man; 
And, to be more than what you were, you would 
Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place 
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both: 
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now 
Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know 
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: 
I would, while it was smiling in my face, 
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, 
And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you 
Have done to this.

Nought's had, all's spent, 
Where our desire is got without content: 
'Tis safer to be that which we destroy 
Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy. 
[Enter MACBETH] 
How now, my lord! why do you keep alone, 
Of sorriest fancies your companions making, 
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died 
With them they think on? Things without all remedy 
Should be without regard: what's done is done.

Out, damned spot! out, I say!—One: two: why, 
then, 'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky!—Fie, my 
lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we 
fear who knows it, when none can call our power to 
account?—Yet who would have thought the old man 
to have had so much blood in him.

The thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?— 
What, will these hands ne'er be clean?—No more o' 
that, my lord, no more o' that: you mar all with 
this starting.

Here's the smell of the blood still: all the 
perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little 
hand. Oh, oh, oh!

Wash your hands, put on your nightgown; look not so 
pale.—I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried; he 
cannot come out on's grave.

To bed, to bed! there's knocking at the gate: 
come, come, come, come, give me your hand. What's 
done cannot be undone.—To bed, to bed, to bed!

Selected from William Shakespeare's MACBETH
Source from http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/

Goneril of "King Lear"

Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter; 
Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; 
Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; 
No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; 
As much as child e'er lov'd, or father found; 
A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable. 
Beyond all manner of so much I love you.

By day and night, he wrongs me! Every hour 
He flashes into one gross crime or other 
That sets us all at odds. I'll not endure it. 

Put on what weary negligence you please, 
You and your fellows. I'd have it come to question. 
If he distaste it, let him to our sister, 
Whose mind and mine I know in that are one, 
Not to be overrul'd. Idle old man, 
That still would manage those authorities 
That he hath given away! Now, by my life, 
Old fools are babes again, and must be us'd 
With checks as flatteries, when they are seen abus'd. 
Remember what I have said.

Not only, sir, this your all-licens'd fool, 
But other of your insolent retinue 
Do hourly carp and quarrel, breaking forth 
In rank and not-to-be-endured riots. Sir, 
I had thought, by making this well known unto you, 
To have found a safe redress, but now grow fearful, 
By what yourself, too, late have spoke and done, 
That you protect this course, and put it on 
By your allowance; which if you should, the fault 
Would not scape censure, nor the redresses sleep, 
Which, in the tender of a wholesome weal, 
Might in their working do you that offence 
Which else were shame, that then necessity 
Must call discreet proceeding.

Safer than trust too far. 
Let me still take away the harms I fear, 
Not fear still to be taken. I know his heart.

[to Edmund] Then shall you go no further. 
It is the cowish terror of his spirit, 
That dares not undertake. He'll not feel wrongs 
Which tie him to an answer. Our wishes on the way 
May prove effects. Back, Edmund, to my brother. 
Hasten his musters and conduct his pow'rs. 
I must change arms at home and give the distaff 
Into my husband's hands. This trusty servant 
Shall pass between us. Ere long you are like to hear 
(If you dare venture in your own behalf) 
A mistress's command. Wear this. [Gives a favour.] 
Spare speech. 
Decline your head. This kiss, if it durst speak, 
Would stretch thy spirits up into the air. 
Conceive, and fare thee well.

My most dear Gloucester! 
O, the difference of man and man! 
To thee a woman's services are due; 
My fool usurps my body.

Milk-liver'd man! 
That bear'st a cheek for blows, a head for wrongs; 
Who hast not in thy brows an eye discerning 
Thine honour from thy suffering; that not know'st 
Fools do those villains pity who are punish'd 
Ere they have done their mischief. Where's thy drum? 
France spreads his banners in our noiseless land, 
With plumed helm thy state begins to threat, 
Whiles thou, a moral fool, sit'st still, and criest 
'Alack, why does he so?'

Selected from William Shakespeare's KING LEAR
Source from http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/


CXXIX – Sonnet 129

The expense of spirit in a waste of shame
Is lust in action: and till action, lust
Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame,
Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust;
Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight;
Past reason hunted; and no sooner had,
Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait,
On purpose laid to make the taker mad.
Mad in pursuit and in possession so;
Had, having, and in quest to have extreme;
A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe;
Before, a joy proposed; behind a dream.
All this the world well knows; yet none knows well
To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

Selected from the Sonnets written by William Shakespeare
Source from http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/


以莎士比亞筆下的五個女人為探索的起點 — 《馴悍記》("The Taming of the Shrew")裡強悍潑辣的凱特(Katherina), 《李爾王》("King Lear")裡陰鬱惡毒的大女兒高納里爾 (Goneril), 《麥克白》("Macbeth")裡野心勃勃的麥克白夫人(Lady Macbeth),《科尼奧蘭納斯》("Coriolanus")裡高傲獨裁的母親伏倫妮婭 (Voluminia)及十四行詩(Sonnets)中的第 127首至152首詩篇裡風流不忠的「黑女士」(Dark Lady),尋索今日城市裡各種女人的影子。為了嘗試在文字與影子之間找尋連係,將會訪問十個現代的女人,而重新反思到底女性這個性別盛載著的是什麼的意義和身份。「莎氏」筆下的「莎屎女人」,在今日的女人世界裡是如何被理解? 以前不擇手段的毒女人會不會是今天敢愛敢恨的女性榜樣?古代的青樓女子今天看來會不會是多才多藝的前衛女性?漢朝班昭『女誡』言女子四行:婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功,但這些誡條似乎從來與傾國傾城改寫歷史的女子無關。女性在追求浪漫豪邁,敢愛敢恨,獨立自主,社會地位的同時,如何欣賞和容納自然賦予的女性特質? 女性的 「進化」 是不是一定是一種 「進步」?女兒、 姐妹、妻子、母親、情婦,這些身份到底正在怎麼樣的處境下輪迴著?

創作會以文本(Text)和訪談(Interviews)為編構 (Devising)的基礎,重視所有創作人在編作過程裡對題材的探索、反思與及提供理解和立場,再一起通過分享、討論、工作坊和實驗來建構作品。期望每位參與的創作人,在過程中通過創作對特設題材進行研究,通過研究再深化創作。

